Curious myself how my game will go

Czech golf professional Klára Davidson Spilková has achieved her best result this year after finishing tied for the fifth place on the shores of Lake Geneva in Évian, France. As Davidson Spilková commented, the result is a combination of her improved play, a bit of luck with the weather and a return to the confidence of last year.

“My fifth place is thanks to course knowledge, the right strategy and improved short game. Everything just came together. Moreover, I once again felt the joy and ease, and everything just went beautifully. In the last round, I played off the tee with only a three wood. This helped me stay on the fairways, create good positions for approach shots, and I also converted putts. Our group was especially lucky with the weather, so we didn’t have to finish the second round on the last day,” the player commented on the Jabra Ladies Open in Évian-les-Bains.

“The best news is that I’m not far from my last year’s form. Perhaps I need to be more relaxed and stronger mentally, which will give me more game consistency,” the golf professional added.

Davidson Spilková is now headed to the Dormy Open Helsingborg, Sweden, played from Friday to Sunday. The tournament is held on a completely different type of course, which, unlike the wooded Évian, requires a playing style more suited for a Scottish links. After that, the golfer has a week off, which she plans to dedicate to training at her home course, PGA National Czech Republic, followed by two consecutive tournaments. The first one in the Italian capital, Rome, and the other in front of the home crowd in Central Bohemia, Beroun.

“I played in Helsingborg last year, and the key factor will be wind. The course is very open, and everything will depend on the right strategy, approach shots and luck in putting. I’m both curious how my game will go after the last tournament and short game training and very much looking forward to a slightly different kind of golf. Again, we have to keep our fingers crossed for the weather and prepare for somewhat different conditions. It is rather cold here compared to Czechia,” the golfer commented upon arriving in Sweden.

Alongside Davidson Spilková, the 132-player starting field of the Dormy Open Helsingborg played at Allerum Golf Club will also feature four other Czech names: Sára Kousková, Kristýna Napoleaová, Jana Melichová and Tereza Melecká. After a short break, Davidson Spilková will once again have her husband Sean on the bag. Together, they will start on Friday at 9:39 from tee 10.


Klára Davidson Spilková’s tournament schedule:

31 May-2 June 2024              Dormy Open Helsingborg, Helsingborg, Sweden
14-16 June 2024                    Ladies Italian Open, Rome, Italy
21-23 June 2024                    Tipsport Czech Ladies Open, Beroun, Czechia